
Standing against prejudice and supporting rural LGBTQ+ diversity, inclusion and enablement.

We want to help LGBTQ+ people and their families to understand that being different is something to be proud of. Being open about your sexuality shouldn’t be a barrier to leading a happy life and a fulfilling career in the countryside.

We are doing this by celebrating LGBTQ+ people’s stories here on the site and on social media.

We want rural organisations, colleges and businesses to be welcoming places for LGBTQ+ people. The rural economy needs to attract and retain the very brightest and best people. Diversity leads to a better and more imaginative working and learning environment; the more perspectives we can explore, the more productive outcomes we are likely to reach. The farming community needs great new ideas now more than ever.

We are doing this by inviting organisations to sign our simple pledge – ‘We stand against prejudice and support rural LGBTQ+ diversity, inclusion and enablement’ – and to use our logo as a symbol of their support!

You can read Agrespect’s stories and experiences from their rural LGBTQ+ community HERE