Friends of Young Farmers Form

Friends of Young Farmers

Please complete the form below with all details.

Friends of Young Farmers

  • I confirm that I would like to contribute at least ยฃ25 annually to SAYFC through membership of โ€œFriends of Young Farmersโ€. I understand my details will not be passed on to any third parties and that should I wish to cancel my membership I must do so in writing at least one month prior to the renewal date.
  • I would like to pay my SAYFC โ€œFriends of Young Farmersโ€ membership by Standing Order.
  • Standing Order Form

  • Profile photo
  • GIFT AID DECLARATION (Not available to limited companies) I would like SAYFC to regard the above amount and all donations I make from the date of the declaration to โ€œ Friends of Young Farmersโ€ as Gift Aid donations, unless I notify SAYFC otherwise.
  • Setup your annual standing order subscription with Stripe. Submit details by clicking the link below to be redirected to Stripe to setup your annual subscription payment.
  • £ 0.00
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.