24 Apr Ally and Amy-Jo take the lead of Agri & Rural Affairs!

SAYFC’s Agri & Rural Affairs Committee recently elected Alistair Brunton of East Fife JAC as 2021-22 Chair, who is ready to ensure that young people within the industry have the best chances throughout the next year – to development skillsets and learn from fellow young farmers.
Alistair [known to many as ‘Ally’], a beef and sheep farmer from Balmonth Farm near Anstruther commented, on his new position:
“I am delighted to go on as Agri and Rural Affairs Chairman for the year ahead. The past year has been very difficult for everyone, but at SAYFC we have made the most of a bad situation. As Jack Jarvis from Craiglang once said “when life hands you melons, make melonade”. This year we aim to give our members a voice, and provide them with development opportunities. But most importantly get them back out enjoying what the Association has to offer.”
As Catherine Sloan of Bankfoot JAC stood down after the stint in the chair, a new female face comes into an office bearer role with Amy-Jo Reid, a shepherdess from Rothes near Elgin. Amy-Jo will now support Alistair in his year ahead, as his Vice Chair, mentioning:
“I’m delighted to have been elected as Agri and Rural Affairs Vice Chair this year. I’m looking forward to kick-starting a new year of visits, tours, training and opportunities, and am really excited to help develop and expand this brilliant committee even further.”