26 Oct Crossroads Clip to Success
On Sunday 22nd October, The East, North and West Region came together for the National Final Beef Cattle Dressing Competition. With 14 finalists , Craig Wilson Ayr Market was a busy place filled with calves, combs and clippers. Challenged with the difficult task of judging was Andrew Ireland and Tom Muir. Well done to everyone who took part, final results are as below:
1st Place – Jack Cuthbertson & Callum Brown, Crossroads YFC
2nd Place – Ruby Simpson & Rory Wood, Strathmore JAC
3rd Place – Logan Ross & Yasmin Brown, SSS YFC
1st Place – David Smith & Craig Baird, Crossroads YFC
2nd Place – Robert Paton & Craig Waugh, Bathgate JAC
3rd Place – Ross Montgomerie & Andrew Nisbet, Kilmaurs YFC
A big thank you must go to all the stewards and office bearers who helped keep the day running so smoothly and a very big thank you must also go to James Nesbit who very kindly donated all the cattle for the competition. Congratulations again to all of our prize winners.