New Members Spotlight! Hannah Arbuckle – Bell Baxter ADS

New Members Spotlight! Hannah Arbuckle – Bell Baxter ADS

Hannah Arbuckle – Bell Baxter ADS


What is your story away from YF?

Hi, I’m Hannah Arbuckle from Lower Luthrie Farm which is near Cupar in Fife.  I’m just finishing S3 at Bell Baxter High School.  I spend a lot of my time helping at home on our beef farm.  I love the cattle and I also enjoy doing tractor work.


Why did you join?

I joined Bell Baxter ADS last spring, as soon as I turned 14.  My mum had told me about all the fun she had in young farmers when she was younger and I decided I’d like to get involved.


What have you got out of YF?

I’ve had a fantastic time at young farmers over the last year and I’ve taken part in a huge variety of different activities and competitions including stockjudging, go carting, East Region cabaret, produce show and various sports.  I’m currently training with the Fife and Kinross District tug of war team and looking forward to the upcoming competitions.  At the recent 90th Anniversary dinner dance of Bell Baxter ADS, as the youngest member of the club, I cut the cake with the oldest past member.  This was a very special moment as my mum did the same 30 years ago at the club’s 60th Anniversary dinner dance.  I was also delighted to be awarded the Kenneth Wilson Quaich which is for the junior member who has contributed the most to the club in the last year.  I’m loving young farmers and in the short time I’ve been involved, I’ve had so much fun, tried new activities and made lots of new friends.


What do you want to get out of YF in the future?

I’m looking forward to taking part in lots more young farmers’ events and meeting more members.


Random fact?

I’ve got a pet cow who’s just turned 21, we had a wee party for her!