05 Apr New Members Spotlight! Holly Rodger, Edinburgh JAC
What is your story away from YF?
I grew up in Aberdeen city but always had a passion for working with animals, when i was 12 my auntie knew someone with a farm who let me help out at lambing and to learn a bit about it, I really enjoyed it which led to my interest in studying Agriculture at SRUC Edinburgh Campus.
Why did you join YF?
I was new to Edinburgh and had never been in the young farmers, I kept hearing lots of good things about it so decided to go to a new members night and then joined
What have you got out of YF?
I have met so many amazing people and I have got to see parts of farming i didn’t know were a thing such as Stockjudging.
What do you want to get out of YF in the future?
I would like to experience as many different things that SAYFC has to offer and to meet many more people.
Fun Fact?
I haven’t missed a lambing season for the past 6 years.