Mid Deeside Rachel Talks Agriculture and YF

Mid Deeside Rachel Talks Agriculture and YF

Rachael Reid who isย 25 from Tarland who works for Aberdeen & Northern Marts at Thaintone is Mid Deeside Club Secretary and also the West Aberdeenshire District Secretary,ย talks about her involvement in agriculture and Young Farmers.

grew up on the family farm until we moved on, my Mum was also secretary of Tarland Show while I was younger so it has always been something I was involved with. I am now a member of the Tarland Show committee and deal with the Vintage Tractor entries.

What do you do for an occupation:ย I work at ANM Group as an office administrator based in the mart office. It is a varied role with no two days being the same!

What sparked your interest in agriculture:ย Coming from a village surrounded by farming you couldnโ€™t really avoid being involved in agriculture one way or another! I was always keen to help out when we lived on the farm (even though I wasnโ€™t much help being so young!), when I got older I would help Mum with the Show work. Itโ€™s always been something I have been interested in.

What is the most rewarding thing about working in the farming industry:ย I find my job very rewarding, we meet a wide variety of people, from phone calls to face to face in the office or out at farm roups. Itโ€™s always great to see them happy after a good dayโ€™s selling at the mart!

As rural youth, do you think there is something we should be doing additionally or differently within the agricultural sector:ย I feel we can encourage more young people from as early as primary school to learn how food is produced and then informing secondary school pupils on the various careers available in the agricultural sector. I donโ€™t feel we push this enough. I also feel we need to help educate the non-farming community, engaging with the public and being present at supermarkets as the future depends on them purchasing the produce.

Where do you see the farming sector in 10 yearsโ€™ times:ย With the uncertainty still of Brexit itโ€™s very hard to predict what will happen next week let alone in 10 years. However, I hope we will have encouraged more younger people into agriculture and all sectors have a better market potential.

If you could pass on one piece of advice to someone looking to get into the sector what would it be:ย Donโ€™t be afraid to ask for help, farmers are always willing to help or give advice when they can. Be prepared to work unsociable hours and stick in as you will reap the rewards for your hard work!

We canโ€™t end the interview without talking about Young Farmers so tell us about your experience โ€“ why did you join:ย As soon as I turned 14 I was encouraged to join but unfortunately I played in the pipe band at the time and the meetings clashed, once I got older I realised I could juggle both and wish I had joined sooner now!
What do you most enjoy about Young Farmers:ย I enjoy all aspects of Young Farmers, from stockjudging to mock auctions, sports nights and baking or even stewarding at local shows. The syllabus is always so varied it keeps you busy meeting new people and visiting new companies!

How do you feel Young Famer has impacted your life:ย Without Young Farmers I may not have got the job I am in now. I feel it has helped my organisational and communication skills. I have met a lot of new friends throughout Young Farmers too.

Any advice for someone looking to join:ย Donโ€™t be scared to try new things! It may sound โ€˜boringโ€™ or not your cup of tea but unless you try you donโ€™t know. SAYFC and clubs run so many different competitions, visits and activities the more of these you attend the more you can achieve.